Eye Examination in Austin
Your vision and ocular health are important to us. Our comprehensive examinations allow us to carefully evaluate your visual needs, as well as detect potential eye disorders and diseases. Routine exams are an important part of preventative health care because many eye problems can develop without any symptoms or change in vision.
We offer the Optomap® Retinal Exam as an important part of your eye exam. The Optomap® Retinal Exam provides a wide view of the retina without pupil dilation.
This eye exam is fast, easy, and non-invasive.
The retina is the part of your eye that captures the image of what you are viewing, similar to film in a camera. Conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal tears or detachments, as well as other health problems including diabetes and high blood pressure can be detected with a thorough examination of the retina.

Many people get vision screenings at work or school but they aren’t an effective substitute for a comprehensive eye exam. These screenings are limited and while they may help to identify some vision issues, they may not detect certain vision or health problems.
Eye exams are an important part of overall health care for every age. Adults, adolescents and children should have their eyes examined at regular intervals, even when there are no obvious issues. For adults, regular eye examinations are important to keep prescriptions current and to look for any early signs of eye disease.
For children, regular eye exams are needed to assess vision development, which can play a significant role in academic achievement. Since most children aren’t aware of what “normal” vision is, they often remain quiet when they have vision problems. Research has shown that undetected vision issues can contribute to poor performance in the classroom, so finding these issues early is important.

Some of the problems an eye examination can help detect include:
Refractive Error – this may be nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. Typically, refractive errors are corrected with glasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery.
Nearsightedness, or myopia means you can see objects up close clearly, but they become blurry or out of focus when they are farther away.
Farsightedness, or hyperopia generally means you can see objects more clearly when they are farther away, but have greater trouble when they are close.
Astigmatism is a common imperfection in the curvature of the eye that can cause blurred vision at all distances.
Presbyopia refers to the loss of elasticity of the lens. This decreases the ability to focus sharply for near vision and is usually noticed around age 40.
Amblyopia – This is commonly known as “lazy eye.” The eye(s) appears healthy, but visual information is not transmitted or recognized properly by the brain. Amblyopia usually results from some type of developmental abnormality caused by a high uncorrected vision problem, a large difference in powers between the eyes, or strabismus. Amblyopia should be treated as early as possible to avoid vision development problems.
Diseases in Other Parts of the Body – Proper eye examinations are also effective at detecting certain diseases that aren’t centered in the eyes. These include diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. More serious conditions may also be detected, including stroke, aneurysms and some cancers.