
Microblepharoexfoliation (MBE) is a technique used in the treatment of blepharitis and demodex infestation and their associated conditions. It involves the mechanical exfoliation or removal of debris, bacteria, demodex debris and biofilm from the eyelid margins and the base of the eyelashes. By removing accumulated debris and biofilm, it can help to reduce inflammation and promote a healthier ocular surface.

Ocular Demodex infestation, also known as Demodex blepharitis refers to the presence of tiny mites called Demodex in and around the eyelash follicles and oil glands of the eyelids. These mites are microscopic and naturally inhabit the skin of humans, including the eyelids. However, when their population increases significantly, it can lead to various eye-related symptoms and conditions.

Demodex mites are typically of two species: Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis. They are commonly found in individuals of all ages but tend to be more prevalent in older adults.

When Demodex mite populations multiply excessively, they can cause inflammation and irritation of the eyelids and surrounding areas, leading to a condition called Demodex blepharitis. Some common symptoms associated with ocular Demodex infestation include:

  1. Eyelid redness and swelling
  2. Itching and burning sensation in the eyes

  3. Dryness and grittiness

  4. Crusty or sticky eyelashes

  5. Excessive tearing or watery eyes

  6. Sensitivity to light

  7. Eyelash loss or misdirection

  8. Recurrent styes or chalazia (inflamed eyelid bumps)