Dry Eye Treatment

What is dry eye? 

Are you tired of using over the counter eye drops for irritated, tired, red eyes?

Over the counter tears are simply a bandage for your symptoms. You put a drop in, feel better for a few hours, then irritating symptoms return later that same day. There is a core cause of chronic dry eyes, and it can be broken down into two categories. Meibomian gland dysfunction, and aqueous deficient dry eye.

Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a common condition that occurs when the meibomian glands in the eyelids do not function properly. These glands are responsible for producing the oily component of tears, which helps to lubricate the eyes and prevent excessive tear evaporation. Our meibomian glands are BLINK ACTIVATED. Long term electronic device use like computers, phone and tablets cause us to stare. Decreasing our blink rate by approximately 50-60%. Healthy olive-oil like meibum starts to then thicken due to stagnation. Turning it into a thick, toothpaste like substance. See the video below to see what clogged glands look like!!

Aqueous deficiant dry eye

This condition occurs when the lacrimal gland does not produce enough tears to coat the ocular surface. This accounts for 10% of Dry Eye Disease patients and can be cause by autoimmune conditions such as Sjogrens syndrome. 


Oak Hill Eye Care is now offering a new, breakthrough treatment for dry eye sufferers.

If you are experiencing eye burning, dryness, irritation, light sensitivity, vision fluctuations, contact lens intolerance and eye fatigue, you may be a candidate for a new treatment called LipiFlow.

Of millions of people in the U.S. that suffer from dry eye, a majority have Meibomian Gland Dysfunction or MGD, which stems from a deficiency in the oily lipid layer of the eye’s tear film.

The lipid deficiency is due to blockages in the Meibomian glands located in the eyelids. The lipids serve to protect the water (aqueous) layer of tears so that the tears do not evaporate too quickly.

LipiFlow® is intended for the application of localized heat and pressure in adult patients with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), also known as evaporative dry eye or lipid deficient dry eye.

Unlike traditional treatments (e.g., warm compresses, wetting drops and ointments) that address dry eye symptoms, LipiFlow treats the root cause, the obstructed Meibomian glands. If left untreated, dry eye can lead to further ocular deterioration and additional problems. The goal of unblocking the glands is to allow them to resume their natural production of lipids required for a healthy tear film.


  • LipiFlow uses a disposable eye piece to apply controlled heat to the inner eyelids and intermittent gentle pressure to the outer eyelid.
  • LipiFlow facilitates the release of lipids from the blocked Meibomian glands allowing the natural flow of lipids to resume.
  • LipiFlow is an in-office procedure that takes approximately 20 minutes. Both eyes can be treated simultaneously.


In a controlled clinical trial, a majority of patients treated with LipiFlow reported an improvement in overall dry eye symptoms at 4 weeks post treatment.

You would not be a candidate for LipiFlow if you recently had eye surgery, eye injury, herpes of the eye or chronic eye inflammation. LipiFlow may not fit all eyes. Possible side effects from LipiFlow include redness, burning, stinging, discharge, blurred vision, dryness and sensitivity to light. Talk to your doctor about the benefits, safety and risks of LipiFlow.

If dry eye is hindering you from the activities you love, we are here to help. Please contact us via phone or email at (512) 288-0444 or at contact us to schedule an appointment for a dry eye assessment.

We are here to help you with all your vision health needs.


Prior to your appointment, please download, print and complete the below questionnaire in order for us to help serve you efficiently!


To get to the core cause of your dryness, the best route to relief is through treatments such as:

IPL, Radiofrequency, Lipiflow, Meiboflo, Regener-Eyes, Meibomian gland expression, and microblepharoexfolation.


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